The Credit Committee

The credit committee is in charge of the society’s Loan book, with a specific mandate to effectively enforce the society’s credit policy.
It consists of three members chosen from amongst the nine members of the central management committee at the inaugural CMC meeting immediately after the elections.
The credit committee meets as and when duty requires but not less than every once in a month, and reports monthly to the Central Management Committee.

The current members of the society’s Credit Committee are:
Chairperson : Peter Wasike
Secretary  : Suleiman Basho
Member  : Robinson Dwasi

Business Development & Education Committee

This is the committee charged with dissemination of information on the Society’s policies, products and emerging trends to the membership, and planning of important member education forums to equip members, CMC officials and staff members with the skills necessary for effective decision making.
The committee is made up of three members chosen from amongst the nine members of the central management committee at the inaugural CMC meeting immediately after the elections.

The current members of the society’s Education Committee are:
Chairman : Anderson Kiio
Secretary : Joseph Mutugi
Member : Iman Shee

The Supervisory Committee

The supervisory Committee is complementary to the CMC, with a direct oversight mandate from the delegates.
The committee does not supervise the CMC but offers an advisory opinion to the CMC on matters of policy and internal control systems implementation to ensure a true and fair presentation of the society’s actual financial position at any given time, and to ensure the overall interest of the general membership is fully secured.
It presents its report annually to the delegates for decision making.
The Supervisory Committee consists of three members democratically elected from the delegates at the Annual Delegates Meeting from amongst the delegates.

The current members of the society’s Supervisory Committee are:
Chairman : David Wandika
Secretary : Boniface Mutisya
Member :  Jehosphat Kilonzo

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