How do i become a member?
You become a member by filling up a membership form and paying entrance/registration fee of Ksh.1000.
What is the minimum savings per month?
Do my savings and shares earn interest?
After how long do i qualify for a loan?
How do i apply for a loan and what condition do i need to meet?
How do i apply for a loan and what condition do i need to meet?
What happens to my savings and shares should i pass on?
Is it possible for a non-salaried people to join the SACCO?
Do you have any special business product for business people?
How do i access members portal?
How do i register in members portal?
How do I login to members portal?
How to download tramom sacco mobile App?
How to register mobile App?
How to login mobile App?
How to reset pin mobile App?
DIAL *346# -> Enter activation Pin Sent from the Sacco -> Change the 4-digit Pin -> Confirm Pin
DIAL *346#